Monday, January 17, 2011

End of Day 2

Funny thing. I've noticed that, sometimes, when you really need to hear something, you get hit upside the head with it. What I mean by that~You will hear the same thing said many different ways from many different sources. What was I just saying yesterday about changing my priorities? Well, I flipped my Love Dare calendar to page 2. (And, by the way, the calendar is different than the's not the actual Love Dare, it's just things to support your relationship.) It says "The world says to follow your heart, but if you are not leading it, then someone or something else is. The Bible says that "the heart is more deceitful than all else" (Jeremiah 17:9), and it will always pursue that which feels right at the moment." Um. Wow. That is pretty much what I was saying yesterday, what Pastor Clay said in sermon, and what we talked about in my small group. So WE lead our heart. We don't follow it. Interesting, huh?

Anyway. For today...I didn't say anything/think anything negative about Randy. I had a few moments, but I made my thoughts go in a different direction. I spoke with a few friends about my intention with the Love Dare, in the hopes they will re direct me to the right path if I stray. The things I did for Randy he doesn't know about yet, as he's still at work. I made him a batch of cookies (Big deal, since I can't eat them) He's had a travel mug that says something about the Worlds Greatest Dad and there's a picture of 2 models. He's been using that mug quite a bit. Well, I put a picture of him and Wyatt in there. Such minor things, but I did them for him.

I can already tell a difference. When I think about my future with Randy, I'm excited. I'm not thinking about the negatives anymore :)

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