Well, it was what I expected. It was easy for me not to say anything mean, as he was at work all day, and easy for me not to think anything bad about him...He really is a nice guy.
Today, however, I decided to change my attitude about something else. I am, at the moment, a stay at home mom. I really haven't been acting like one. My priorities have been all wonky. So today, I put my family before anything else. I didn't spend the day playing games on Facebook. I played with my son. I cleaned my house, and cooked dinner. It all sounds so simple, but it was everything I've been ignoring for things that aren't nearly as important.
I may "just be a wife/mom". I can either be the kind of wife who shows her family she cares by doing things for them, taking the time to make a home cooked meal, or I can be the mom that is selfish and wastes her day on things that certainly don't benefit her family. I choose to be the former. There is plenty of time later for computer games, books.... But now is the time for my family. I've been given a wonderful gift, being able to stay home. And here I am taking advantage of it. Well, no more. I want to be the best I can be for Randy and Wyatt. Noone else can do that for them, just me.
Not only will I not say anything negative, but I won't DO anything negative...even better...I will do positive
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